
天宴 Skybanquet,上海市黄浦区外马路1162号


Day 1 - 10.15

Day 2 - 10.16

9 AM Registration 签到
9:30 AM Welcome and Intro 欢迎及介绍
9:40 AM

Designing for and with Data 用数据检验设计幻灯片

Ronan Berder Wiredcraft 英文
10 AM

Making Software for the Future of Making Things 为了未来的软件设计

Jake Fowler Autodesk 英文
10:20 AM Coffee Break 茶歇
10:40 AM

How Storytelling Can Improve the Way You Design 通过叙述故事来改善你的设计方式幻灯片

Mauricio Estrella Stackray 英文
11 AM

Illustration design for UC browser splash screen UC闪屏插图设计幻灯片

张酉麟(小火)Youlin Zhang UC browser 中文
11:20 AM On-stage Recruitment (4 spots) 现场招聘(4位)
11:40 AM Lunch 午餐及休息
13:30 PM

From interaction design to service design 从交互设计到服务设计幻灯片

Kyle Lin Continuum 中文

Google Workshop

Design Sprint - answer critical business questions within just 5 days

Hsun Tang and Annie Chang Google 英文
13:50 PM

Designing Service for Mass Market

Georgia Guo McDonald’s 中文
14:10 PM Coffee Break 茶歇
14:30 PM Lucky Draw 现场抽奖
14:40 PM

How Designers Transform Organisations 设计师是如何给企业带来变革的

Franco Papeschi frog 英文
15 PM

What Food Can Teach us about Design 我从食物中学到的设计幻灯片

Anh Hoang Dyad / RisingVietnam 英文
15:20 PM Panel Talk 讲师问答
(Ronan Berder, Jake Fowler, 小火, Kyle Lin, Georgia Guo, Anh Hoang) Moderator 主持: Mauricio Estrella
15:40 PM

Design for Efficiency:From 2C to 2B

姜明蕾 tezign 中文
16 PM

You only learnt Waterfall at design school. Welcome to Agile

Andrea Carlon italki 英文
16:20 PM Lightning Talk 即兴演讲
16:30 PM Networking Drinks 社交派对
19 PM Speaker Dinner 讲师晚宴
20 PM Night Party 派对
9:30 AM Welcome and Intro 欢迎及介绍
9:40 AM

We Eat Bugs for Breakfast幻灯片

Joyce Liu 刘珺婕 & Junchao Lyu 吕俊超 Cheese Videos 英文
10 AM

From User Experience to Design Thinking inside a Big Corporation
在大公司里的立意转变:从用户体验到设计思维 幻灯片

Dominic Winkler Bosch UX 英文


Be super creative: The science and art of creativity

Karlen Chang mixMotion 英文
10:20 AM Coffee Break 茶歇
10:40 AM

Choice Architectures - The Design of Transformative Choices
选项架构 - 变化选项的设计幻灯片

Siddharta Lizcano Razorfish, Publicis.Sapient 英文
11 AM

Fun and Contemporary Design 有趣的当代设计

Patrick Rockwell W+K 英文
11:20 AM On-stage Recruitment (4 spots) 现场招聘(4位)
11:40 AM Lunch 午餐及休息
13:30 PM

Creating Customer Journeys and Personas for Innovation Projects

肖又歌 frog 中文

Chinese Font design Workshop


战国栋 中文


Portfolio Review

Publicis.Sapient 英文
13:50 PM

From designing human-machine interaction to designing social interaction.

Ge Jin 金葛 S.Lab 英文
14:10 PM Coffee Break 茶歇
14:30 PM Lucky Draw 现场抽奖
14:40 PM

Global to Local, Rethinking a Global UI/UX Strategy for the Chinese User
从全球化到本土化 - 为中国用户重新思考一个全球性的UI/UX战略幻灯片

Michael Headrick VML 英文
15 PM

看见未必洞见:Engaging CEOs to Innovate by Design幻灯片

Jenny Yang CBi 桥中 中文
15:20 PM Panel Talk 讲师问答
(Siddharta Lizcano,Michael Headrick,Jenny Yang, Youge Xiao 肖又歌) Moderator 主持: Brandon Owens
15:40 PM


夏一平 Mobike 中文
16 PM


孙震 威马汽车 中文
16:20 PM Lightning Talk 即兴演讲
16:30 PM Networking Drinks 社交派对




  • Andrea 是来自意大利的设计师,专业为服务设计和视觉传达,现在上海生活和工作。
    目前他在Italki,负责UX 及品牌相关的设计工作。Italki 是一家提供语言教育的初创型公司,致力于帮助语言学习者找到说母语的老师,并流利地掌握世界上任何一门想学的语言。
    在加入Italki之前,Andrea先后在上海Continuum , CBI(桥中)工作。也曾在意大利博洛尼亚的Epoca Ricerca设计工作室为Volvo, Nissan, SC Johnson, Changhong 以及 Trenitalia等品牌提供设计咨询服务。同时,他也在同济大学担任产品服务设计硕士课程的客座教授。
    Andrea 将自己的很多业余时间投入到新车间(中国的第一个创客空间), 为新车间的管理和创新出谋划策。

  • Anh Hoang is the Founder of RisingVietnam, a nonprofit that provides high-achieving Vietnamese with fully funded educational heritage trips and entrepreneurship in residence programs. She was formerly the Director of Special Projects at Dyad where she led global operations and design. Dyad is a digital platform that connects China's best and brightest to the world's top universities and was named Asia's Top Startup in 2015. When not at her desk or traveling around Asia, Anh enjoys sharing her love of the culinary arts by teaching charitable cooking classes. She was featured in a 2016 documentary as one of Shanghai's Rising New Chefs. Anh was a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin where she was a Woman's Scholar.

  • Dominic is heading the Bosch internal design and innovation agency, Bosch User Experience (UX), here in Shanghai. He joined Bosch UX at the start of 2012 in Stuttgart, Germany. In Stuttgart he was mainly working on designing as well as prototyping simple and interactive user-centered solutions across the whole range of Bosch products. With his move to Shanghai, China in 2014, he could then combine his passion for creating new design concepts with his other passion for China, its culture and language. Before joining Bosch, Dominic completed his Master with focus on Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Canterbury (New Zealand). While studying in Christchurch, he worked as tennis coach at different tennis clubs as well as interaction designer at Civil and Natural Resources Engineering. Prior to moving to New Zealand he lived in China for a couple years, where he mainly studied Chinese (Mandarin).
    Apart from his passion for design and China, you can find Dominic traveling the world or just around the next corner on a rugby pitch.

  • Franco is a Senior leader in the global UX industry with more than 12 years of experience in Europe, Africa and Asia, specialising in telecommunications and education. He co-founded “Design Jams” in London in 2010 and has a double Master of Science in Communication Sciences, Ergonomics and Human Factor.
    Prior to joining frog, Franco held experience and service design management positions at Education First (Shanghai), the Web Foundation (London), Vodafone Global (London).
    He has guest lectured at the Interaction Design Institute in Italy and is a regular on the keynote speaking circuit including Interaction 13 in Canada, Global Forum on Innovation 2011 for the World Bank, and UX Australia 2015.

  • Georgia Guo is currently Innovation Director of McDonald’s China, leading innovation strategy and projects. She was previously Innovation Strategy Director of China Industrial Design Institute, founding partner of Joint Thinking Innovation and IDEO China Marketing Director. Her expertise focuses on product/service design strategy and business model innovation. She is an active business writer and speaker, being one of the most widely read columnists of Forbes China and frequently mentoring start-ups. She holds a Diploma in Strategy and Innovation from Oxford University and a Master in Mass Media and Politics from University of Liverpool.

  • Jake is a Sr. UX Designer and Product Owner for Autodesk Fusion 360, a cloud-based 3D CAD software for industrial and mechanical product designers. His primary roles are prioritizing and designing Fusion 360’s on-boarding and 3D modelling experiences. Jake has been at Autodesk for 10 years, previously working at the Cambridge, UK office before moving to Shanghai in 2012.

  • Jenny具有设计和商业咨询的双重职业背景。她早期从室内设计和品牌设计师出身,曾在市场研究,品牌设计,广告策划,包装设计,室内设计,艺术策展和项目管理等领域有超过10年的工作经验。之后进入商业领域,有自主创业,市场运营和商业咨询的经历。

  • 特赞资深产品经理,香港中文大学新媒体硕士。加入特赞前曾在「豆瓣电影」「豆瓣音乐」「豆瓣音乐人」担任产品经理,对用户体验、文化创意人群、数字音乐市场有深入的了解和产品经验。曾经负责过电影奖项、豆瓣音乐歌单、全新⾖瓣⾳乐⼈播放器、豆瓣音乐留声机、音乐人金羊毛计划(国内首个以直接、透明的⽅式为⾳乐⼈的作品在线播放付费的项⽬)等多个项目。2016年在特赞担任产品经理,转换思维积极迎接2B端产品挑战。

  • 金葛先生拥有丰富的创业和咨询经验。他目前是S.LAB指南创新实验室的联合创始人和CEO。金葛在用户行为研究、产品策略和体验设计方面拥有深厚的经验,擅长将洞察发现转化为有意义的创意和战略。在S.LAB, 他专注于联合企业、高校和社会组织开展有前瞻性的共创项目,课题包括全渠道零售体验、共享经济下的汽车形态、中医药如何和现代科技和生活方式结合等。在2011至2015期间,在全球顶尖的创新咨询机构IDEO, 金葛主导了一系列用户体验和商业模式创新的项目,曾与耐克, 三星, 强生, 方太和腾讯等国内外知名品牌合作。基于他丰富的行业经验,金葛经常在华尔街日报、金融时报、第一财经周刊、BBC、领英洞察等媒体上发表关于创新趋势的观点。

  • 2015年1月,作为联合创始人创办了摩拜单车。摩拜单车创造了一种通过移动互联实现单车共享的新模式。经过一年多的努力,摩拜单车已经累计投入了近万辆智能共享自行车在上海运营,成功打造了全球首个最大的商用无桩的共享自行车服务。摩拜单车希望通过这种共享模式能够为城市缓解交通拥堵,减少环境污染。

  • 刘珺婕是一个涉足多领域的设计师。
    她目前是Bosch UX部门的交互设计师。她和俊超一同创办了CheeseVideos,来探索并尝试解决生活中的痛点。
    她是Startup Grind Shanghai组委会成员,帮助运营初创企业社群并组织线下活动。

  • 吕俊超是一个跨界设计师。
    他现在工作于Booking.com. 他和Joyce一同创办了CheeseVideos,来探索并尝试解决生活中的痛点。

  • 作为Continuum的用户体验设计高级经理,Kyle目前带领着Continuum上海的数字团队。Kyle 在过去的十年曾服务过许多跨国科技公司,他坚持以用户为核心、以科技为工具来取得设计与商业之间的巧妙平衡。Kyle 同时在行业与团队领导上有丰富的经验。在加入Continuum之前,Kyle曾带领生鲜电商从零到一,也曾带领创业团队获得融资。此外,Kyle也是台湾互动设计协会的理事长,带领组织从默默无名,到成为两岸设计师共同交流的平台。

  • Mauricio “Momo” Estrella is an Ecuadorian Digital Designer with 15 years of experience on UI/UX, Digital Product Design, Education, and Entertainment. He has worked with brands like EF Education First, Lincoln, Audi, Microsoft, Disney, among others. He has published several pieces on creative management, behavior change, and design strategy, and is currently working at a SF-based startup as VP of Product Design. His background is in Computer Science and Psychology.

  • Michael Headrick is a Product Owner working between Singapore and Shanghai, China for VML, an American based agency. He focuses his work on helping large multi-national companies localize their digital strategy and platforms to Asia, specifically China. Michael has a wide background in Architecture, User Research, and User Interface Design that informs his work.

  • Founder and CEO of Wiredcraft, bouncing between Shanghai, Berlin and the US. Ronan is a jack-of-all-trades with skills stretching from engineering and design, to business development and management. This often translates in him leading the UI & UX discussions for software products.

  • 孙震(Sam),威马汽车设计总监,英国考文垂大学汽车设计硕士,曾任宾利汽车设计师、上汽乘用车高级设计经理、福田汽车设计总监、博泰汽车首席设计师,致力于通过智能汽车来影响和改变人们的生活方式,2015年主导设计了概念车 Project N ,展示了领先的智能汽车设计和交互理念。

  • Siddharta is an award winning Independent Creative Director formerly of frog Shanghai. For 9 years he has cultivated expertise in the practice and management of User Experience Design, Human-Centred Innovation, Product Strategy and Design Research. Helping established and emerging companies in Europe and APAC to be conceive, design and bring to market products and services that create lasting impact in both the business and their customer's lives. He holds a Masters with Distinction from the University of the Arts London in Interactive Media.

  • Youge is an interaction designer II at frog Shanghai. He has a great passion to connect the user with technology and business. He is keen to help the client to envision the future with a design-driven mind and build the best-in-class user experience.
    Before frog, he has worked in Asia, Europe and US with start-ups, design agencies and leading IT firms. Youge joined frog Amsterdam in 2014 and was relocated to Shanghai in October 2015. He has worked on varies interaction and strategic projects in retail, telecom, automobile, finance and e-commerce industry in multiple locations including Amsterdam, Shanghai, Sydney and Singapore.
    Youge has spent four years studying industrial and interaction design in Beijing and Taipei for his bachelor. He also holds a honours master degree in Strategic Product Design in Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

  • 张酉麟(小火)曾就职于新浪、腾讯、百度、雅虎、联想研究院,现效力于阿里巴巴UC浏览器,任职艺术指导。十年以上体验设计、互联网、图形界面设计经验。早年和朋友创办iconfans(现UI中国),投资设计师的咖啡馆,发起Dribbble华人帮组织,并与优秀网页设计、站酷网、意匠id、Ixdc、ChinaUI等组织关系紧密,为当前互联网公司中最具个人影响力的设计大咖。


  • Annie Chang
    Head of Internationalization UX

    Annie Chang has been working on user experience field at Google, Microsoft and Motorola for more than 15 years. Currently, she is the head of the UX of the Internationalization department at Google, where she helps the Google teams and the users to move their products to the global market. Before that, Annie worked on a few Google’s revenue source products including DoubleClicks advertising platform, AdWords, AdMob, and Google Analytics where she created multiple v1 products, and drove multiple product integrations. When at Microsoft, Annie was in charge of the Windows Live Mobile platform. At Motorola, she was one of the leads who propelled the first generation of the touch-screen smartphone platform. Annie is known as experienced at UX strategy and architecture, and can solve complex platform problems.

  • Hsun Tang
    Head of UX, Measurement Design

    Hsun Tang acquired various types of design, user research, design strategy and UX management experiences throughout her career from multi-media, web, TV/Mobile devices, client software, e-commerce platform, search and big data design. She’s established world class UX teams in China, Japan, Korea and Silicon Valley and delivered products that impact broad range of users and markets.
    Currently, Hsun is leading Google’s Ads Measurement UX in Mountain View, California to envision UX ecosystem, create intuitive solutions and to inspire team to push the boundaries of what's possible to the world’s most complex multifaceted big data analysis problems.

  • James Chiu
    ECD of UI/UX
    Razorfish,Publicis.Sapient China

    James’ expertise is in innovating how brands connect with consumers through multi-channel experiences.
    Chiu’s work spans pure play digital, integrated and above-the-line agencies, he has directed and crafted numerous multi-channel, commerce, brand, marketing and campaign experiences for clients such as Ray-Ban, Marks & Spencer, Net-a-Porter group, Max Factor, adidas Originals and Levi’s. Additionally Chiu co-founded Camohood, a niche limited edition streetwear ecommerce retailer in 2005. His projects have been awarded and recognized by the likes of BIMA, FWA and Webby.
    As Executive Creative Director of UI/UX, Chiu is responsible for leading the Publicis.Sapient UI/UX team, which works across key clients including Nike, Heineken and China Eastern, conceptualizing experiences that breed brand-consumer interaction and developing experiences that transform clients’ businesses.

  • Karlen Chang
    Creative Director & Co-Founder

    Karlen Chang is a Canadian artist and designer. He is Co-Founder and Creative Director of mixMotion, a design firm creating physical interactive experiences and environments. Since 2000, Karlen has been exploring the intersections of art, design and technology to create emotionally powerful experiences. His work uncovers the emergent social relationships and behaviours between people and interactive environments. He has exhibited his work in Canada, France and Switzerland. His clients have included, Red Bull, Aveda, Google and Deloitte. His creative process bridges the digital world to the physical world, discovering innovation in our everyday lives.

  • Raymond Chin
    Publicis.Sapient China

    Ray’s absolute truth is that he wants to be the best creative he can be. He knows his ability to handle stress (racing street cars illegally), his endurance (staying awake for days making short films) and his patience (volunteering at a mental hospital) will see him through.
    Along the way, he has worked in places as diverse as Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, New York and London on accounts as varied as Hennessy, Citibank, Ford, Levi’s, Mcdonalds, and United Airlines, to name a few. While bagging various advertising awards at Cannes, D&AD, Clio, The One Show, Spikes, Adfest and The Effies.
    He now functions as the Chief Creative Officer of the Publicis.Sapient platform in China, molding winning brand experiences at the crossroads of technology and creativity.

  • 战国栋
    Font designer/Teacher
    Dalian Nationalities University



  • Brandon Owens

    Brandon Owens is a digital product management & data guy with 12+ years experience working for startups and big brands. He's originally from the US and worked at Playboy in Chicago, heading up their digital marketing for 5 years. He then did an MBA at INSEAD in Europe/Singapore before taking a digital product management role at EF Education First in Shanghai.
    After a few years he left there to join a "word-of-mouth" digital marketing agency startup as their head of product & tech. He's now working on a new startup that uses small digital interactions via WeChat to increase consumer involvement and build smarter companies. On the side he also runs Beertelligence, which gathers small groups of smart people together for beers.

  • Mauricio Estrella

    Mauricio “Momo” Estrella is an Ecuadorian Digital Designer with 15 years of experience on UI/UX, Digital Product Design, Education, and Entertainment. He has worked with brands like EF Education First, Lincoln, Audi, Microsoft, Disney, among others. He has published several pieces on creative management, behavior change, and design strategy, and is currently working at a SF-based startup as VP of Product Design. His background is in Computer Science and Psychology.









想要成为UI/UX Conf 2016的赞助商?





这次UIUX Conf将于2016年10月15日及16日在上海举行,在这两天的大会中你将听到20多场来自资深UIUX设计大牛们的主题演讲(交互设计、视觉设计、用户研究设计、管理服务设计、设计思维等)、参与到多个交互设计体验工作坊、结识其他800多位和你一样有想法的创意人士。 本次活动参与者包括多家国际知名设计公司及国内外新兴企业,“探索、启迪、连接” 是本次大会的主题。

办一场UIUX Conf的想法源于我们每月一度的UI/UX Designers meetup。2015年10月,我们在上海创客中心(People Squared)组织了第一次UIUX meetup。自此之后,每月第三个星期的周三我们都会在一个创意园区或者设计公司举行UIUX meetup。在UIUX爱好者们的持续关注及积极参与下,UI/UX Designers meetup 成了上海最活跃、最受欢迎的设计社群之一。感谢期间Imagination、frog、Wieden+Kennedy、EF Labs、People Squared 、Central Studio 对UI/UX Designers meetup的场地支持,及来自Frog, Paypal, Google, Starbucks, Imagination, Ming Labs,Wiredcraft 的演讲分享。

值此UIUX Design活动一周年之际,我们决定在上海举办一场1000人的大派对——UIUX Conf 。我们将邀请UIUX meetup以往的讲师们及更多国际知名UIUX设计师来上海分享他们的知识及组织设计工作坊。另外,既然是一次周年大聚会,我们10月15日晚上的派对绝对值得你的期待。


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Wiredcraft是一家本部位于上海的电子科技公司,在美国华盛顿及德国柏林均有分部。我们的专长是设计、数据科学,API和 DevOps,我们曾帮助世界银行实现开源数据门户的数据可视化,为25年来缅甸第一次民主选举设计选票系统。我们通过每月组织线下活动(UIUX meetup, JS meetup, Hacker News meetup, Docker meetup)来支持本土科技与设计社区,每年我们都组织JS Conf及UIUX Conf。